SSH Login Notifications with Gotify

Gotify is a simple server for sending and receiving messages

Inspired by this post I decided to add a notification on my phone every time an ssh session began on my servers. Seeing as I make use of Gotify for selfhosted push notifications I used that rather than signal.

First I created created the file /usr/local/bin/sshnotif. At the top you can add your own token and Gotify url

Update: I had to push the current time back a full minute in order to improve consistency. I'll defiantly want to revisit this at a later date


exec &> /dev/null #Hide output



        now=$(date -d "-60 seconds" +%s) #Get current time minus 60 seconds
        end=$((SECONDS+30)) #Set 30s Timeout for loop

        while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do

                SSHdate=$(date -d "$(who |grep pts|tail -1 | awk '{print $3, $4}')" +%s) #Check for the latest SSH session

                if [ $SSHdate -ge $now ]; then #Once who is updated continue with sending Notification

                        title="SSH Login for $(/bin/hostname -f)"
                        message="$(/usr/bin/who | grep pts)"

                        /usr/bin/curl -X POST -s \
                                -F "title=${title}" \
                                -F "message=${message}" \
                                -F "priority=5" \



notify & #Run in background to prevent holding up the login process

Run the command chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sshnotif

In the file /etc/pam.d/sshd add the following line

# note optional is set to prevent ssh login failure
session optional /usr/local/bin/sshnotif

I now get a nice notification with all the open SSH sessions listed. Unlike the post on I didn't want any IP address resolution using an online service. I plan on integrating the MaxMind GeoLite2 database at some point. However as I already have Graylog set up to do this it's not a high priority for me.

Thanks for the shoutout:
