Better SSH Management with Keepass and Putty

Out of the box keepass recognizes the URI ssh:// and will open it with putty. However it is limited, you can't change ports from the default port 22 nor can you save a convenient list of port forwards. Thankfully this is something you can change.

Things you will need:

  1. Keepass
  2. Putty
  3. Keeagent

Alternativly you can do an easy install with the windows package manager chocolatey

choco install putty.install keepass.install keepass-plugin-keeagent -y

URL overrides

We will now define a new ssh:// override globaly in keepass. It is possible to also do so per entry, for portability, however I do not use this feature as I run linux at home and use a separate override on that system.

  1. Tools -> Options
  2. Integration tab
  3. URL Overrides

  1. Click the add button
  2. Enter ssh in the Scheme field
  3. Enter: cmd://putty {T-REPLACE-RX:/{S:Forwards}/\{S:Forwards\}/ /} -P {T-REPLACE-RX:/{BASE:PORT}/-1/22 /} {BASE:HOST} -l {USERNAME} in the url override field. Note: add -pw {PASSWORD} to the end if you wish to auto submit your password. Just be aware this could be considered slightly insecure.

The Keepass entry

  1. Create an entry as you normally would adding the ssh:// URL

Note: to add a port just use ssh://example.tld:222

  1. If you need port forwards add then under the Advanced tab as a String Field entry in the following format: -L 6080: -L 444:

Now when you open the url you will have your putty session with port changes and port forwards.

Breaking it down

  1. cmd://putty

    Opens putty via a shell command

  2. {T-REPLACE-RX:/{S:Forwards}/\{S:Forwards\}/ /}

    If the string field Forwards doesn't exist delete the string {S:Forwards}

  3. -P {T-REPLACE-RX:/{BASE:PORT}/-1/22 /}

    The {BASE:PORT} placeholder returns -1 If a port is not defined. If this happens we should replace it with the default ssh port 22

  4. {BASE:HOST}

    The Hostname/IP address part of the URL

  5. -l {USERNAME} -pw {PASSWORD}

    Login with the username and (optionally) password of the entry
