Posts about authentik

Authentik Gotifiy Login Notifications

SSO all the things

Continuing with my journy of utilising Authentik for my SSO. After reading a rather good comment by /u/internallogictv over on the reddit /r/selfhosted, I wanted to add a few more protections. The simplest of which is to send myself a notification whenever a login or a failed login occurs.

Step 1

First things first we create a new application in gotify in order to generate a token for authentik use. Select the Apps tab and press the Create Application button.

Gotify create an application

Step 2

Create a new gotify property mapping in the Admin Interface -> Customisation -> Property Mappings.

I've built this so a login failed is set to the maximum gotify priority level regardless of the user group. For successful logins I divide the levels based on the group gotify-users. I algo create a geo uri for mapping applications on android. You will be able to click the notification and it will open the city co-ordinates, although you may have to skip this if you don't have the geoipupdate container configured.

    # Get the login failed username
    event_user = notification.event.context["username"]
    # Get the login succeeded username
    event_user = notification.event.user["username"]

if notification.event.action == "login_failed":
    priority = 7
    severity = "warning"
elif ak_is_group_member( ak_user_by(username=event_user), name="gotify-users" ): # Check if the user belongs to group
    priority = 1
    severity = notification.severity
else: # default notification settings
    priority = 0
    severity = notification.severity

# Build a geo uri for opening a mapping applications from the gotify notification.
geo_uri = f"geo:{notification.event.context['geo']['lat']},{notification.event.context['geo']['long']}?q={notification.event.context['geo']['lat']},{notification.event.context['geo']['long']}"

title = f"{severity} from authentik {notification.event.action.replace('_', ' ')}".capitalize()

message = f"New {notification.event.action.replace('_', ' ')} for {event_user} was detected coming from {notification.event.context['geo']['city']} {notification.event.context['geo']['country']} from the IP address: {str(notification.event.client_ip)}".capitalize()

# Build the gotify payload
gotify_payload = {
    "title": title,
    "message": message,
    "priority": priority,
    "extras": { "client::notification": { "click": { "url": geo_uri } }},

return gotify_payload

Step 3

Create a new notification transport Admin Interface -> Events -> Notification Transports using Webhook (generic) your gotify message url with the token created in step one https://example.tld/gotify/message?token=yourtokenhere

Step 4

Finally we create the notification rule that actually calls the Notification transport. Admin Interface -> Events -> Notification Rules Create a new rule login-notification sending to the group of your choice (This dosn't really matter but it will display an ugly json string as notification on the web UI). Select the Gotify notification transport you created and set the Severity to Notice.

Now we have to create the policies authentik-core-login and authentik-core-login-failed to the event. Expand the login-notification event and press Create Policy. Select Event Matcher Policy, name it authentik-core-login enable the Execution Logging option, select the Login action and authentik Core App. Finish and repeat for the Login Failed action.

Now you should be receiving Login and Login Failed notifications from your Authentik instance over Gotify. I Hope I'll be able to update this to pull different tokens from the user/group attributes in the future to better separate notifications to individual users/admins.

Node-Red SSO with Authentik

Node-RED is a flow-based programming tool, originally developed by IBM’s Emerging Technology Services team and now a part of the JS Foundation.

Following my last post regarding SSO with Authentik I thought I should post my passportjs configuration for Node-Red and OpenidConnect. Currently User accounts work, however I haven't gotten group based permissions setup yet.

Note This guide is based off the Gitea integration guide from the Authentik docs.


The following placeholders will be used: is the FQDN of authentik. is the FQDN of nodered.

Step 1

In authentik, create an OAuth2/OpenID Provider (under Resources/Providers) with these settings:


Only settings that have been modified from default have been listed.

Protocol Settings

Name: nodered
Signing Key: Select any available key


Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret, you'll need to give them to nodered in Step 3.

Step 2

In authentik, create an application (under Resources/Applications) which uses this provider. Optionally apply access restrictions to the application using policy bindings. note

Only settings that have been modified from default have been listed.

Name: nodered
Slug: nodered-slug
Provider: nodered

Step 3


We are assuming node-red is installed under docker

Navigate to the node-red data volume data/node_modules/. Alternatively enter the docker container sudo docker exec -it nodered bash and cd /data/node_modules

Use npm to install passport-openidconnect npm install passport-openidconnect

Edit the node-red settings.js file /data/settings.js

adminAuth: {
strategy: {
        name: "openidconnect",
        label: 'Sign in with authentik',
        strategy: require("passport-openidconnect").Strategy,
        options: {
                issuer: '<application-slug>/',
                authorizationURL: '',
                tokenURL: '',
                userInfoURL: '',
                clientID: '<Client ID (Key): Step 2>',
                clientSecret: '<Client Secret: Step 2>',
                callbackURL: '',
                scope: ['email', 'profile', 'openid'],
                proxy: true,
        verify: function(issuer, profile, done) {
                done(null, profile)
    users: function(user) {
        return Promise.resolve({ username: user, permissions: "*" });

SSO with Authentik

SSO all the things

A while back I wrote about minimising my attack surface by utilising default deny and whitelists in Nginx. Now I've gotten into the weeds with authentication and deployed an SSO (Signle sign-on) service on my selfhosted infrastructure.

What is Authentik?

Authentik is a SSO (Single Sign on) provider, much like with Google's services you sign in once and then you can access all your services. This has been a big bugbear with selfhosted applications, with Roundcubemail TTRSS plugin, auto authentication for Tiny Tiny RSS against an IMAP Server and Codiad External Authentication via IMAP to name a few work arounds to the issue I have hacked together over the years.

Most importantly for my use case is the single pane of glass to access my services:

A nice dashboard really brings it all together

The Issues

Introducing a SSO system introduces complexity and potential problems so it's not all smooth sailing, passwords are a thing still as they are simple and reliable and understandable.

New Project new problems, limited reviews

Authentik's first beta release was in Jan 2020 so it's very new and has had a few teething issues and quite a few bugs. I highly recommend utilising additional security methods in front of authentik (IDS/IPS, Geo Blocking and ideally using a VPN to access) until it reaches maturity.

Poor Documentation

Quite frankly the documentation isn't great if you are attempting to figure out HOW it’s supposed to work. Thankfully they have integration guides included in the docs that covers the gaps, so some reading between the lines is needed for a while yet.

Limited compatibility

Not everything has SSO support (SAML, Oauth/OpenidConnect or reverse Proxy Authentication), thankfully this isn't as hard to deal with as it once was:

The main issue I have faced is with HomeAssistant. The developers have been reluctant/resistant to adding additional authentication methods to the project. There is the hass-auth-header project created by the developer of Authentik, however the HomeAssistant Android app is frustratingly a major sticking point.