Comments utilizes a Isso ( Ich schrei sonst ) commenting server
When you add a comment, we indefinitely store:
- A pseudonymized IP address (IPv4: last byte is omitted, IPv6: last 10 bytes are omitted)
- Your name
- Your email address
- your website address, if provided
- When you add a comment, we also store a session cookie on your computer containing your name, your email and website address, if provided.
Please Note: If you wish to delete your comments, please provide some data, e.g. your email address, to help identify your comments.
Comments and other data is deleted on email request at [email protected]
Care has been taken to store emails appropriately with isso best practices in mind
Special note regarding email contact
I will never send you unsolicited emails. You will only ever be contacted if you specifically request it in your comments. To Opt-out of future contact please reply with the email subject "unsubscribe".
Data Analytics
Metrics and data are collected via cloudflare analitics tools and subject to Cloudflare's privacy policy